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Artificer Productions welcomes submissions from authors and artists for consideration into our publication catalogue. We are a small, independent company specialising in high quality musical literature, education, and compositions. We would love to hear from authors and artists working within these fields.

Before You Submit
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Here are a few points for your to consider before submitting your material for consideration.


Do You Have a Clear Vision?

Writing a book, whether it's a collection of compositions, an educational manual, or a treatise on theory or similar topics, is a big undertaking. Do you have a clear vision of what you want to produce, and how you want to do it? Before you submit, really think about whether your vision and draft are sufficiently thought out.


Are We Right for Each Other?

As a publisher, we work with musical artists, composers, and authors who specialise in musical literature, compositional material, and pedagogical works. This might include philosophy, theory, compositional guides, instrumental instruction, historical pieces, and similar works. Is your work broadly within these categories? If not, we might not be the best publisher to consider.


Does Your Work Have a Clear Target Audience and/or Function?

While it is never nice to discuss, a publisher exists as a business, and as such needs to make money. Whilst we would love to publish all kinds of works, we cannot consider material that is unlikely to enjoy any form of demand. Before you submit, consider who your work is for, and the function it fulfils. For example, if your work is an instrumental technique manual, have you found a clear gap in the market that is not covered by dozens of similar works? Does it offer a unique and personal take on the approach, a new concept, or a particular style? When submitting, try to be as clear as possible about who your work is for, and the role it will fulfil as a publication.


Where Is Your Market?

We are a UK-based publisher. This means that our primary market is in the UK. If you are based in the UK, this might be a good fit. If you are based abroad, consider what you hope to achieve from working with a UK-based publisher. We have ties across the globe, and have no problem working with international authors; in fact, we would love to hear from you. If you are based in the US, and feel that your primary market is the US, you may consider why you are approaching a UK-based publisher? It may be that you wish to enter the UK market, in which case we may discuss UK-exclusive publication as opposed to worldwide. Whatever it is you wish to do, consider your own location, your market, and how we might fit in to that.



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Submission of Work

Thanks for submitting!

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