Drum Lessons in Nottingham
The Rudimental Drummer
A Conceptual Exploration of the Rudimental Tradition
Jonathan Curtis
Forthcoming 2024
ISBN: 978-1-7385231-1-5
The Rudimental Drummer offers an in-depth exploration of rudimental drumming, encompassing historical traditions, vocabulary, fundamental concepts, and a diverse repertoire. It includes meticulous analysis of rudimental principles, an exploration of phrasing and compositional elements, and an extensive collection of original compositions, providing drummers with a dynamic platform to engage with these concepts.
The Rudimental Drummer is due for publication in late 2024.
Available as a paperback, deluxe spiralbound edition, or as a digital PDF.

Conceptual Analysis
The rudiments exist as part of a broader approach to playing the snare drum. Far more than simple, discrete patterns that should be memorised, the rudiments represent entire concepts of sticking and rhythm that form the heart of rudimental composition, and snare drum playing in general.
When seen in this way, the rudiments not only represent categorised collections of patterns and techniques, but an entire paradigm of playing the drums that has been devloped and refined over hundreds of years of drumming history.
History and Tradition
The Swiss, French, Scottish, and American traditions represent the core discipline as it exists today. Though many other regions throughout history have developed their own rudimental approach, none have done more to develop the art of snare drumming as these four traditions.
Part of understanding the rudiments as a musical concept involves understanding their historical function, the traditions that formed them, and the musical applications across the repertoire.
Original Repertoire
The Rudimental Drummer includes cutting-edge original repertoire that puts the conceptual ideas into practice. Six rudimental etudes allow for a simple entry point into the style, while expansive original solos provide an exciting contribution to the rudimental repertoire.
Part I - The Rudimental Language
Form and Function
Fudimantal Techniques​
Single Strokes
Accents Patterns​
Measured Rolls
Recognising Rolls Within the Notation​
Traditional Rolls
Rolls in Different Meters and Subdivisions
Measured Rolls as a Sticking Concept
Advanced Concepts
Paradiddles as a Sticking Concept​
​Functional Paradiddles as Subdivisions
Open Drags​
Closed Drags
Drag Rudiments
Swiss Triplets
Coup de Charge
Further Flam Rudiments
Buzz Rolls
Concepts and Application​
Hybrid Rudiments
Compositional Concepts
Motivic Development​
Part II - Repertoire
Practising the Repertoire
Identifying Structure and Vocabulary​
Contextual and Non-Contextual Practice
Original Pieces
Half Lap
Tongue and Groove
Mortise and Tenon
Extended Solos
Crown Sinnet
Double Overhand
Chain Splice
Rolling Hitch
Carrick Bend
Edge Cross
Inside Clinch
Clove Hitch
The New Revielle